
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What to do about Copycats?

With the opening of my new store KABowtique, I've had the chance to experiment with new designs and have had several come out very well!  I'm so excited to be able to present them.

With that, I started seeing other people copying one of my designs, the Lion Hair Barrette.  At first, I was more than a little concerned and angry, but then, after thinking about it, it's not a big deal.  I look at other people's designs for inspiration, too.  I talked about it with Devon, my husband, quite a bit last night.  He says that I should ask them to credit me, but I'm not sure.  It's really not a big deal to me, and I'm flattered that my design was good enough to copy. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello, I think it would be hard to get anyone who copied your idea/item to give you credit for it because most people won't admit they copied your design. It is very hard to prove. My idea for people who copy/paste my item descriptions is to sent them all a thesaurus for Christmas! lol