
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Men's Wire-Wrapped Buckle Ring

That's what I'm calling it, anyway.

This morning, I woke up wanting to create a wire-wrapped ring for a guy.  Something that I'd wear, as well as other men.  This is what I came up with.  I'm happy with the basic design, but I'm thinking there are some things I'd change before I started to sell it.  For one, I'll probably use a heavier gauge wire.

For those of you who frequent the blog, let me know what you think about it!  Is there anything you'd change on it? 


Life Traveler said...

It's awesome! My brother was actually looking at my amazing stash of recent Kelley Accents purchases and noticing that if the women's jewelry creations were so awesome, you could whip up some very cool men's jewelry as well... and that it'd be just a matter of time before he was placing orders and requests. :)

I love the ring... it's something I'd wear myself as well... simple but very cool. Maybe a bigger gauge for menfolk like you suggested. ;)

KelleyAccents said...

Thanks! I'm definitely going to work it in a larger gauge. I'll experiment and we'll see.

pearle said...

These are looking very nice. I always love Kelley Accents jewelry,
looking to buy it for my BF.

Venetian Glass