
Friday, September 21, 2007

Jewelry Supplies

We just never seem to have enough on hand! We got to our supplier, drop loads of money and get all sorts of neat stuff, all the stuff we needed before and didn't have. Now, with all those supplies, we're still lacking for material!

Oh, well. We've decided to start selling some jewelry supplies as well. Pretty much sterling silver. That's the material we work in and we decided that it would be a good investment to go along with the jewelry pieces. We just recently listed the first couple, so we'll see how it goes. I think our prices are pretty competative.

On a separate note... does anyone read this blog? I like writing. About as much as I like talking. And you can't shut me up. But it'd be nice to know that we have an audience...

Well, it's late and we have to get up and move again in the morning. (I hate moving... it's official now.)


Anonymous said...

I read your blog.

Anonymous said...

Kelly yes we read your blogs. I was hit by a drunk driver 5 years ago and my neck was broke. Since then I have been unable to "work". So instead of sitting on my but I choose to bead. My childrens grand mother died of cancer 4 years ago. She was the one who taught me how. I now am trying to launch a jewelry buisness. So please keep blogging and give me some help.

Carolyn said...

I read your blog. YOu can also read mine if you'd like. It's new but it's getting there!

Mary Ann said...

Yes, people read this. I found it thru a link on jewelry making at Checked out your Etsy store - you do great work!

Anonymous said...

Saw your site, and thought i would just say "Hello"...I really liked a couple of your rings.
Good luck moving, i know its a pain.