
Thursday, September 23, 2010


Karla has been exploring Etsy and all the wonderful things it can do, and she's discovered Treasuries.  She's been making quite a few, and it's sparked some discussion between us.

If you're not familiar with Treasuries on Etsy, let me see if I can put it in a nutshell for you.  The Curator (organizer of the Treasury) chooses a list of several items from across Etsy that they like and fit whatever theme they've chosen.  Then, they give it a title and a quick little blurb to explain it, and post it for the world to see!  The interesting bit is that you can't include items from your own store.

Obviously, when you make a Treasury, you want it seen by other people.  You want people to comment on your selections.  And Karla's been asking me how to make a good Treasury for others to see.  Well, the Treasury doesn't do a whole lot to promote her store.  The way I see it, it's a way to share her mood and her artistic tastes in a way that promotes other sellers on Etsy.  Which is way cool, to be honest.  And, it does get her name out there some more.

But that's the only way I see it.  It's not something to strive to be the "best" at.  It's another way for you to express yourself, your mood and your tastes and share with the world.  That's it.


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