
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dark Shimmers

"A flash in the Dark.  A glimmer of color in the gray night.  A bright glimpse of light, flashes... then disappears.  Dark Shimmers.  Appearing on a throat near you!"

There's my movie trailer for this latest piece that I've called "Dark Shimmers".  The stone is really dark, but has beautiful shimmers of green and blue with maybe a hint of red streaks.  The pearls brighten it up, but don't overpower the beauty of the pendant.

This one was a true collaboration.  We both contributed to the design and the work to get it done.  It's very satisfying to complete a piece like this, especially when it's so loved by the person who commissioned it.  Here's a photos of the completed piece:


allan Gering said...

It's perfect necklace. I really like it.Color combination is gorgeous.Thanks for this perfect peace.

Venetian Glass

KelleyAccents said...

Glad you like it, Allan. Positive feedback is good!